Guaranteed FIA approved.

Competition Seat > 24 g
FIA 8855-1999

Validity: Approval valid for five years.

Scope: Racing seat plus fixed or flexible sidemounts.

Type of tests: Exclusively dynamic tests.

1. Rear impact 20 g with dummy 50% (75 kg):
Test with dummy, backward 20 g over 50 ms.

2. Side impact 15 g with dummy 50% (75 kg): 
Test with dummy, forward and backward 15 g over 50 ms.

3. Rear impact 10 g with dummy 50% (75 kg):
Test with dummy, backward 10 g over 50 ms.

Advanced Racing Seat > 70 g
FIA 8862-2009

Validity: Homologation valid for 10 years.

Scope: Seat substructures including fixed or flexible sidemounts are homologated as part of the entire seating system.

Testing regime: Quasi-static testing for accurately measured loads, replicable test conditions and precise results. Damage or even strong deformation results in a test fail.

Significantly higher test requirements compared to 8855-1999:
Three consecutive tests with forces of between 32 kN (approx. 3.3 metric tons) and 60 kN (approx. 6.1 metric tons):

1. Lateral load test: 1 x 32 kN
(Around 300% increase in overall loading compared with FIA 8855 in the pelvic, shoulder and head areas of the racing shell).

2. Rearward load test (against direction of travel): 1 x 35 kN
(around 200% increase in load)

3. Crush test: 2 x 30 kN
The seat must absorb 1 kJ of energy – the lateral load at the shoulder area must not exceed 30 kN and the seat shell must not deform any more than 200 mm inwardly.

Fire protection:
Fire protection improved to 75 mm/min under ISO 3795.

The RECARO System

All RECARO racing seats are homologated as complete systems (seats plus fixed or flexible sidemounts) to the FIA’s high standards. FIA Standard 8862-2009 tests systems to an acceleration force equivalent to 70 g.

The heart of driving.
The RECARO Race collection

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